2025-03-23: The Cross of Passion – The Crosses of Lent

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 2:13-22

The Crosses of Lent
The Cross of Passion
John 2:13-22

Despite the fact that passion can be skewed, passion is a good thing generally and it works well for sports and hobbies, and makes for wonderfully loving relationships.

We see a very passionate Jesus who was driven to express righteous indignation.

We all know that both religion and politics are hot button topics that stir deep and passionately held convictions and feelings.

So, when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, his disciples and the people thought the Messiah had arrived to restore the nation of Israel.

Jesus went to the Temple and not to the Citadel because his primary passion is for the eternal souls of people.

The Temple is bustling with pilgrims trying to get into the Temple to offer their sacrifices and worship.

Jesus drove the vendors, money changes, and the sheep and the oxen out and then he flipped over their tables.

Jesus was more concerned about the Temple being a spiritual place…a place of prayer and not a business place.

Jesus was not too concerned about politics or business…he was concerned and passionate about people and their ability to connect with God.

Everything Jesus does emanates from love including righteous indignation and wrath.

2025-03-16: The Cross of Suffering – The Crosses of Lent

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Mark 8:31-37

The Crosses of Lent
The Cross of Suffering
Mark 8:31-37

In recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, they were grasping hold of their Messianic hope for the day when “the Messiah” would come in power, break the bonds of Roman oppression, and restore the fortunes of the people of Israel, their national pride and prominence in the world.

The disciples saw suffering and death. Jesus saw suffering and death and resurrection. He saw through it!

In other words, if you are suffering and experiencing pain and loss you must have done something wrong, or God would not allow this to happen to you.

Unfortunately for Jesus, but good for us, the will of God entailed a little detail along the way we know as the cross.

So, when you have prayed and sought God’s will and have sought the counsel of wise and godly people and have weighed the pros and cons and have arrived at a peaceful place…see through it! See through what is and may be to what will be!

What he did say on several occasions is that if anyone who wished to follow him, he must take up his own cross and follow him.

Jesus made no ifs, ands, or buts about it…being a Christian is sometimes about taking up and carrying a cross of suffering.

If the price of comfort and ease in this world gets too high Jesus says it is better to lose everything to save your eternal soul.

If in this life you carry a cross of suffering, see through it…and you will soar!

2025-03-09: The Cross of Temptation – The Crosses of Lent

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Matthew 4:1-11

The Crosses of Lent
The Cross of Temptation
Matthew 4:1-11

I want to preface my remarks by saying that temptation and the testing of our faith is very real.

Temptation and testing often comes off the coattails of good times. It often catches us off-guard.

The first area of vulnerability mentioned in I John 2 and illustrated in the experience of Jesus is the temptation to do for oneself.

So, it’s primarily about what we are willing to do and the compromises we are willing to make in order to satisfy the urges in our physical bodies.

There is nothing wrong with being someone of importance…it’s what you are willing to do be important that matters.

If Americans have an idol, it is materialism.

And just as it was Satan’s goal to push God out of Jesus’ life, Satan tries to move into our lives hoping maybe that Jesus will get forced out of our lives.

2025-03-02: Devoted to One Another – One Anothering

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 2:42-47

One Anothering
Relationships God’s Way
Acts 2:42-47

Today in our message, I hope as a church that we can learn something about being devoted to one another in brotherly love.

The term “brothers” is used to refer to the Christian family about 230 times in the New Testament.

What does God-honoring devotion and brotherly love look like? How can this be lived out in our lives in practical ways?

Ruth’s commitment to Naomi stands as a perfect example of being devoted to one another in love.

So, it starts with the decision to be devoted to one another in brotherly love.

I believe that if we have made the decision and continue with determination, then God will supply the emotion, and the energy needed for devoted brotherly love.

I hope that all of us will decide and be determined to demonstrate our devoted brotherly love in our relationships here in the church!

So how do we get started demonstrating our devoted love for one another?

1. be present
2. be attentive
3. be expressive

2025-02-23: Relationships God’s Way – One Anothering

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 2:42-47

One Anothering
Relationships God’s Way
Acts 2:42-47

Times, society, and culture have changed and therefore, community is much harder to find today.

The Bible reveals that Christianity was never meant to be lived alone and in isolation.

Fellowship, therefore, is the experience of real Christian community as we share our common faith, our common purpose, and our common love for God and our love for each other.

Many of us have discovered that experiencing real Christian community is difficult even when we are convinced that it is a very good thing and when we are trying to make it happen.

I would suggest that each of us need more than just one Christian buddy–we need a family of Christian buddies.

A central task of community is to create a place that is safe enough for the walls to be torn down, safe enough for each of us to reveal our brokenness.

In this series, we will be giving our attention to these powerful and important “one another” commands.

For the sake of God and for the sake of the family of God, we must learn to love one another and learn to practice all the other one another commands.

2025-02-16: A New Heaven and A New Earth – All Things Made New

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Revelation 21:1-5, II Peter 3:9-12

All Things Made New
A New Heaven and A New Earth
Revelation 21:1-5, II Peter 3:9-12

Christians have had hopes pinned to heaven ever since Jesus rose from dead.

The former things have passed away…Behold I’m making all things new.

In other words, there was a promise of heaven for the Old Testament saints. But until Jesus came and died for their sins (as well as ours) they weren’t going there!

Our scripture this morning is that it tells us what IS going to be in heaven…and what is not going to be in heaven.

But Heaven will be a place where there’s no more tears or death or mourning or crying or pain.

God’s going to be the only thing that will make heaven worth dwelling in.

2025-02-09: The New Commandment – All Things Made New

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 13:34-35

All Things Made New
The New Commandment
John 13:34-35

There should be a truth that–in everything we say–people should sense what we’re saying is: “I Love You… Jesus speaking.”

Jesus says we need to focus less on ourselves and more on others: Philippians 2:3 “…in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

It’s “new” because it runs counter to our natural human tendencies.

So how do you fight that false theology? First, you define what love is.

So, first, you define what love is… then you work at showing love.

Compete–outdo one another–to show love, because what you do for others, you do for Jesus.

2025-01-19: The Power of New Promises – All Things Made New

Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Corinthians 1:18-22

All Things Made New
The Power of New Promises
II Corinthians 1:18-22

That’s what the world wants to know about us: can they trust us? Because, if they can trust us, odds are they’ll trust God as well.

The Bible is a book of promises: According to one source “The New Testament has 750 promises, …”

He gave us those promises so that we would know He’s got our back.

The thing about promises though, they don’t happen “right now.” A promise is usually made about something that is in the distance.

So, Jeremiah (if you will) was looking forward to Friday, because God’s promises are always faithful.

Without Jesus you can’t have the Holy Spirit! Without Jesus you can’t have the guarantee of heaven.

God offered us His promises because He loves us.