2010-09-19: Being Jesus’ Wife

Sermon: Being Jesus’ Wife
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 30:03
Size: 13.7 MB

New Life In The Same Old Place
“Being Jesus’ Wife”
1 Peter 3:1-7

I. The Passage: “Won Without a Word” (3:1-7)

First Peter is writing to his audience to remind them of their identity as spiritual aliens, redeemed and born again by faith in Jesus Christ. (1:1-3, 14-16, 18-21)

Second in light of this new identity live lives that are separate from the world, and yet, shining the hope of Christ to the world. (2:9, 11-12)

Third, one way they can live this separate but shining kind of life, is to be submissive to the authority structures that God has placed in this world, as a way to demonstrate they are submissive to God. (2:13a; 2:16)

Peter is writing here for none other than Jesus’ wife…all of them.

A. Jesus’ Wife is Submissive and Shining (3:1-2)

But remember, Peter’s entire discussion about submission is not about equality.

Peter is extremely concerned with the message these Christians were sending to non-Christians about the faith.

Ladies, whether you are the wife of a godly man, or the wife of a worldly man, remember that your actions in most cases speak louder than words.

B. Jesus’ Wife Knows True Beauty is about Her Spirit (3:3-4)

Peter’s argument is not against braided hair or gold or clothing, per se.

This kind of imperishable beauty comes from knowing that, because of what Jesus has done, you are beautiful in the sight of the only one whose opinion really matters.

C. Jesus’ Wife is in The Company of Great Women (3:5-6)

The greatest women in history were those with the greatest faith in the greatness of God; women like Abraham’s wife, Sarah.

The submission that Sarah modeled is not one based on fear of what a husband might do our say. It is based on faith.

D. Jesus’ Wife Needs a Husband who is Jesus’ Man (3:7)

A husband who is Jesus’ man will have the heart of Christ for this woman who is striving to be Jesus’ wife; to be God’s woman.

When you are not understanding; when you do not show her honor, God is not interested in your supposedly pious prayers.

Gentlemen, please hear me, for believing couples, the point is still the same: Jesus’ wife needs a husband who is Jesus’ man.

II. A Desperate Housewife or a Desperate Faith

God is not looking for desperate housewives. He is looking for wives who have a desperate faith, a faith that holds on to Christ as its only hope.

True submission is only possible through the power of the gospel.

Next Week
“When Every Curse Is A Sneeze”

1 Peter 3:8-12