2012-01-01: Spiritual Disciplines – Bible Study

Sermon: Spiritual Disciplines – Bible Study
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Genesis 1:1 – Revelation 22:21
Duration: 39:16
Size: 17.9 MB

Spiritual Disciplines
Bible Study

Genesis 1:1 – Revelation 22:21

“A Great Commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will grow a Great Church.”

Spiritual disciplines are practices that we willingly pursue in response to a God who created us, saved us, and guides us.

Spiritual disciplines draw us closer to God, deepen our understanding of who he is, and help make us into the men and women he desires us to become.

We study the Bible but we are not really listening for God’s voice and therefore we do not understand what He wants to say to us.

Five reasons why we should study the Bible.

1. It is divine – II Timothy 3:16

God gave it to us, God gave it to you.

2. It is truth – John 17:17

The Bible is not just partly true, it’s totally true.

3. It is our map – Psalm 119:105

The Bible not only shows us how to know God but it also tells us how we should live.

4. It is our food – Matthew 4:4

The Bible is necessary for our spiritual health and growth.

5. It is our life – Deuteronomy 32:47

The Bible shows us how we can have life, real life.

How Can I Study The Bible?


Right Tools
Right Mindset (Psalm 119:18, I Corinthians 2:12)


Exegesis (To lead out)
Context (When was it written?)
Content (What’s the meaning of the words?)


Hermeneutics (Interpretive)
How does this passage of Scripture apply to me today?


What action does God want me to take?

The goal of Bible study is not just to know the content of the Bible; it is to get to know the AUTHOR of the Bible in a deeper, more personal way.

2011-12-25: Learning From the Songs of Christmas – Joy to the World

Sermon: Joy to the World
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Psalm 98:2-9
Duration: 25:56
Size: 11.8 MB

Learning From the Songs of Christmas
Joy to the World
Psalm 98:2-9

Even at its best, Christmas means parties to plan, gifts to buy, elaborate meals to cook, long trips to take, or out-of-town guests to host. Instead of bringing JOY, Christmas can bring frustration.

Unfortunately, many people leave Christ out of Christmas. Instead of looking to Jesus, people look for JOY anywhere and everywhere else.

The Bible says a lot about JOY. The kind of JOY the Bible talks about goes much deeper than mere happiness.

The first stanza teaches: THERE IS JOY WHEN THE KING IS RECEIVED

King Herod was anything but joyful when the Magi from the East inquired about the birthplace of a new King.

While Herod saw Jesus as a Threat, the Wise Men saw Jesus as a Gift, and they came to worship Him.

The second stanza teaches: THERE IS JOY WHEN THE SAVIOR REIGNS

Receiving Christ is the important first step. But then we must go on to let him Reign in our lives.

Most of us do a pretty lousy job of running our lives on our own. Jesus knows what will give you JOY.

The third stanza teaches: THERE IS JOY WHEN THE SINNER REPENTS

Sin promises happiness. But Sin delivers sorrow.

The baby changed everything. Has the Bethlehem Baby changed your life?


JOY comes because He rules with a perfect balance of TRUTH and GRACE.

True JOY will be yours this Christmas if you will RECEIVE Christ, REPENT of your sins, and let Jesus REIGN in your life with Truth and Grace.

2011-12-18: Learning From the Songs of Christmas – Away in a Manger

Sermon: Away in a Manger
Speaker: Pastor John Pettigrew
Scripture Text: Luke 2:1-21
Duration: 28:08
Size: 12.8 MB

Learning From the Songs of Christmas
Away in a Manger
Luke 2:1-21

Jesus’ birth was not a series of unfortunate events – it was not a LaGrande time, but instead, it was a series of unforeseen events. Jesus came on his own terms, in the right fashion, with a timeless message. The Jewish nation expected the arrival of a Conquering King, but He came as a Suffering Servant. People expected Him to testify of himself, but angels and shepherds testified to Him. Israel expected freedom from Rome, but not forgiveness of sins. They wanted prosperity, and not peace and pardon.

What kind of a Savior was He? What kind of gift did He offer? Who are the beneficiaries?

Jesus is Meek and Lowly

The real story of Christmas is captured in the first two verses of the Christmas hymn “Away in a Manger”:

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.
I love thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky,
And stay by my side until morning is nigh.

He was a descendant of King David, but he was born in a stable, and not a palace or a castle. His delivery was not in a hospital, but a barn. The parents needed to do a lot of work before the baby was born. Joseph and Mary had to sweep the floor, wipe the dust and clean the place. They had to do with what they had, including enduring the noise and smell of animals and coping without the benefit of a kitchen or a bathroom. Even our present-day garages are cleaner than the horse stable, pig-sty or chicken coop that was Jesus’ shelter. No disinfectant or deodorant could sanitize or freshen the place enough.

Jesus is Majestic and Lord

Caesar Augustus had ordered a census, sent everyone packing and made life miserable. Rich or poor, strong or weak, men and women had to return to their hometown to register. Included in the throng was Mary, who was with child. However, the birth of Jesus turned the first Christmas from a gloomy Christmas into a glorious one. He had an invited audience at his birthday party, but His audience was not royalty, diplomats or socialites, but angels, shepherds and the heavenly host, and what a breathtaking, spine tingling and eyebrow raising performance it was.

Jesus is Merciful and Love

The Bible says that we were dead in sins (Ephesians 2:1, Ephesians 5, Colossians 2:13), darkened in reason (Ephesians 4:18) and doomed for destruction (I Timothy 6:9), but Jesus came to land a fatal blow to sin. What He had done to sin for our sake in theological terms included forgiving (Matthew 9:2), bearing (John 1:29, Hebrews 9:28), erasing (Acts 3:19), purging (Hebrews 1:3) and canceling (Hebrews 9:26) the sins of men. He died for our sins (I Corinthians 15:3), freed us from sins (Romans 6:22) and remembers them no more (Hebrews 10:17). Three times the Bible says that He is the atoning sacrifice (Hebrews 2:17, I John 2:2, I John 4:10) for our sins.

The birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the two constants after the shopping is done, the sales are counted and the season is over. The greatest gift of all is the gift money cannot buy. It is what the Prince of Peace has given to the world: the forgiveness of sins and salvation of sinners. Our responsibility is to receive the free gift and to tell the lost world of the Saviors’ birth, because one day the tiny babe will return as the conquering King.