2022-02-20: The Life of David — David and the Covenant of God

Sermon Audio: David and the Covenant of God
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 7:1-17
Duration: 23:43
Size: 16.2 MB

The Life of David
David and the Covenant of God
II Samuel 7:1-17

Even though David died, God promised David that he would “establish the throne of his kingdom forever”.

I. God Is Sovereign (II Samuel 7:1-3)
But as soon as David became king, he wanted the ark of God placed in Jerusalem, which was to be the political and spiritual capitol of the people of God.

David believed that God is sovereign. He clung to God so that he could sense the safe, sovereign heartbeat of God.

II. God Is Condescending (II Samuel 7:4-7)
Are they a pilgrim people on their way to the land of promise? So, he is the pilgrim God, sharing the rigors of the journey with them.

God knows that his people are in trouble. He condescends to help them in their time of need.

III. God Is Gracious (II Samuel 7:8-11)
David was the recipient of God’s unmerited favor.
That is, David did absolutely nothing to earn or merit the favor of God. God’s grace is unconditional.

IV. God Is Indefectible (II Samuel 7:12-17)
God’s promises often have two fulfilments, one in the short-term and the other in the long-term.

The Davidic covenant is an expression of the covenant of grace in that it tells us that David’s Greater Son, Jesus Christ, will rule on his throne for ever and ever.

2022-02-13: The Life of David — David and Michal

Sermon Audio: David and Michal
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 6:16-23
Duration: 24:25
Size: 16.7 MB

The Life of David
David and Michal
II Samuel 6:16-23

God blessed David for his obedience, as well as for his desire to restore the ark to its central place of worship for the people of God.

In the narrative of David bringing the ark of the Lord to Jerusalem, we see different responses to the Lord’s will.

I. Obeying the Lord’s Will Brings Blessing (II Samuel 6:16-19)
We note that as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David, that is, Jerusalem, King David was leaping and dancing before the Lord.

A. Obeying the Lord’s Will Brings Blessing to Me (II Samuel 6:17)
Far too many people want the blessing of God, they want eternal life, and so they think that all they need to do is show up to a worship service once or twice a month, and that will punch their ticket to heaven and glory.

B. Obeying the Lord’s Will Brings Blessing to Others (II Samuel 6:18-19)
Tell others about Jesus. That is the greatest blessing we can pass along to others.

II. Opposing the Lord’s will brings misery (II Samuel 6:20-23)
Michal’s understanding of worship was mere outward formality. To her, outward appearances were extremely important.

When we gather for worship, who is our focus? Are we concerned about what other people think of us? Or, do we worship and celebrate before the Lord?

Jesus was more than the visible presence of God in the midst of his people. He was God with us–Emmanuel.

2022-02-06: The Life of David — David and the Ark

Sermon Audio: David and the Ark
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 6:1-15
Duration: 24:35
Size: 16.8 MB

The Life of David
David and the Ark
II Samuel 6:1-15

The significance of the ark of the covenant is that it was the visible symbol of God’s presence in the midst of his people.

He said that most young evangelicals believe in what could best be described as “moral, therapeutic deism.”

The holiness of God is something that must be properly revered and respected.

I. God’s Justice and Mercy Must Not Be Confused (II Samuel 6:1-8)
David wanted to bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem in order to restore the worship of their covenant God.

Uzzah believed he was doing the right thing by touching the ark so that it did not fall.

God is patient with us. We must take seriously the warning God gives us in the story of Uzzah.

II. Fear Follows a Failure of Faith (II Samuel 6:9-10)
David’s faith failed because he did not obey the revealed will of God.

III. God’s Presence Brings Blessing (II Samuel 6:11-12a)
But the presence of the ark, representing the symbolic presence of God, proved to be a blessing to him and to his entire family.

We say “No” to the presence of God in our lives because we do not accept the offer of the means of grace.

IV. Obedience to God’s Word Brings Joy (II Samuel 6:12b-15)
What I don’t want to miss is that there was great rejoicing when David and all those with him brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.

Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

2022-01-30: The Life of David — David Defeats the Philistines

Sermon Audio: David Defeats the Philistines
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 5:17-25
Duration: 19:46
Size: 13.5 MB

The Life of David
David Defeats the Philistines
II Samuel 5:17-25

The kingdom of God on earth with David as king was intended to point people to the future, eternal kingdom of God.

But, the good news of the Gospel is that God saves ungodly and unrighteous men and women, regenerates them, and gives them new natures, and makes them citizens of his kingdom.

I. God Protects His Kingdom by His Guidance (II Samuel 5:17-19,22-24)
The Philistines were not happy to hear the news that David had been crowned king over all Israel.

Our greatest need in battling against Satan is to ask the Lord for guidance to grant success.

II. God Protects His Kingdom by His Power (II Samuel 5:20a,21,25)
That they left their idols is an indication of how thorough David’s victory was over the Philistines.

When God’s people obey God’s Word, they will see God’s power at work.

Dr. Leslie obeyed God’s Word, and although he did not see direct results of his obedience, the fact is that God’s power was at work through his obedience.

III. God Protects His Kingdom for His Glory (II Samuel 5:20b)
When God blesses us, it is appropriate to give him the glory for who he is and what he has done.

2022-01-23: The Life of David — David Anointed King of Israel

Sermon Audio: David Anointed King of Israel
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: II Samuel 5:1-16
Duration: 20:51
Size: 14.3 MB

The Life of David
David Anointed King of Israel
II Samuel 5:1-16

The stage was finally set for David to be anointed as king over all Israel, as God had promised so many years earlier.

David’s coronation as king over Israel must be understood as something unique, different from any other coronation.

I. God’s King Is Crowned (II Samuel 5:1-5)
They were all descendants of Abraham, and so the elders wanted David to be their king because he was a brother and not a foreigner or stranger.

God was establishing his kingdom on earth. David was crowned as God’s king of his kingdom.

II. God’s City Is Chosen (II Samuel 5:6-10)
God was with David, who was chosen by God to be the king of his kingdom. And so, Jerusalem became the capitol city of the kingdom of God on earth.

III. God’s Rule Is Consolidated (II Samuel 5:11-12)
Centuries earlier, God said to Abraham, “…in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed”.

IV. God’s Kingdom Is Compromised (II Samuel 5:13-16)
The consummated kingdom of God, when Jesus returns to earth, will be a kingdom in which there is no compromise at all.