2018-10-21: Jesus-The Ultimate Action Hero–Jesus The Sneaky Savior

Sermon Audio: Jesus The Sneaky Savior
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Mark 16:1-20
Duration: 20:00
Size: 9.98 MB

Jesus: The Ultimate Action Hero
Jesus The Sneaky Savior
Mark 16:1-20

Of course, they faced three problems: the guard would stop them, the stone would stop them, and the body would have already started to decompose.

Our job, like these women, is to continue on with the task, perhaps wondering how it is going to be accomplished, but not let the impossibility of it all be a deterrent.

Others may have great precepts and philosophies, but none other has God becoming human, dying for his people and then raising from the dead–proving that the sacrifice took and that the same power that raised Christ from the dead will give new life to us who belong to Him!

The most ancient manuscripts don’t contain this ending and the early church fathers indicate Mark ended in verse 8.

Jesus told his disciples over and over again that He would be crucified, buried, and then rise from the dead.

Jesus told his disciples that they would receive power to be witnesses, not to experience power or be able to wield it.

After He left they went out and did exactly what He commanded, which is just what we are to do: preach the gospel and make disciples.

2018-10-14: Jesus-The Ultimate Action Hero–Jesus Died In Weakness

Sermon Audio: Jesus Died In Weakness
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Mark 15:42-47
Duration: 21:52
Size: 10.7 MB

Jesus: The Ultimate Action Hero
Jesus Died In Weakness
Mark 15:42-47

As we look at the events following the crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah let’s get one fact straight: Jesus really died on the cross.

Both of these men were secret disciples until this moment.

So just as the religious leaders saw Him die, and the soldiers confirmed it for themselves and Pilate–all of the three major institutions that rejected Him, religious, civil, and military, admitted to His death.

Isn’t it ironic that they accused Him of trying to destroy the temple, yet got the fact that He wasn’t really talking about the physical temple, but His body?

The torture:
So in a way, the soldiers are acting out physically what we as the human race did spiritually in the Garden of Eden–thumb our nose at God’’s authority in our lives.

The robe:
In some ways these elements show a weakness in man and the strength of our ultimate action hero.

The crown:
This crown was made of thorns, representing the result of man’s efforts to rule himself.

The thorns:
Jesus wearing a crown of thorns perhaps represents the fact that man is incapable of saving himself.

The reed:
The reed could symbolize that man really has no power, though he thinks he does, just as a reed doesn’t really do much damage.

2018-10-07: Jesus-The Ultimate Action Hero–What Happened on the Cross

Sermon Audio: What Happened on the Cross
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Mark 15:21-41
Duration: 20:54
Size: 10.5 MB

Jesus: The Ultimate Action Hero
What Happened on the Cross
Mark 15:21-41

  1. Transference. Leviticus 16:20-22, Hebrews 13:11-13
  2. He became sin for us. 2 Corinthians 5:21
  3. God placed the punishment for our sins on Him. Isaiah 53:6
  4. The Father then turned His back on the Son, pouring out His wrath against all sin. Isaiah 54:7
  5. Jesus died, and He sprinkled His own blood on the mercy seat of the heavenly temple as a propitiation.
  6. This satisfied the wrath of God against sin. Romans 5:9-10

What does this mean to us now?

Removed our Sin. Psalm 103:12

Blotted out our sin. Isaiah 43:25

Redeemed us. Romans 3:24

Did away with the Old Covenant. Ephesians 2:15-16, Romans 7:4, Hebrews 10:10

Tasted death. Hebrews 2:9

You died with Him and rose with Him. Romans 6:6-11, Colossians 1:20-22

Made us His children. Galatians 4:4-7

Set free from the power of sin. Romans 7:4-6

2018-09-30: Jesus-The Ultimate Action Hero–The Darkest Day

Sermon Audio: The Darkest Day
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Mark 15:1-14
Duration: 26:40
Size: 13.0 MB

Jesus: The Ultimate Action Hero
The Darkest Day
Mark 15:1-14

The Sanhedrin had met the night before and condemned Jesus, but because decisions made at night were not binding, they needed to come together to legitimize their actions.

The religious leaders were pretty good at moving the people because they held such power over them, so it should come as no surprise that they “stirred up” the crowd to ask for the release of Barabbas, a known murderer, over Jesus.

So we see here that both the religious trial (Mark 14:53-59) and the civil trial (Mark 15:2-15) resulted in a no guilty verdict against Jesus.

My guess is that these soldiers had nothing personally against Jesus like the religious leaders, but hated the Jews and hated being posted in this backwater called Palestine.

Jesus said “take up your cross and follow Me.” Simon was the only man who ever lived who could say he had literally done that.

We know from Luke 23 that the two criminals have a conversation with Jesus. One of them rejects Him, the other begs for His mercy.

It seems as if the creation mirrored the spiritual darkness that encircled Jesus.

Jesus did not succumb to crucifixion. To pay for our sins He gave up His life voluntarily.

It shows that Christ’s sacrifice was not for the Jews only, but even for the hated Romans, in fact for all Gentiles, for all people.

He lived the life you should have lived and died the death you should have died–trading His life for yours.

2018-09-23: Jesus-The Ultimate Action Hero–Betrayal

Sermon Audio: Betrayal
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Mark 14:43-72
Duration: 23:51
Size: 11.3 MB

Jesus: The Ultimate Action Hero
Mark 14:43-72

Beginning in Mark 14:43 we shift from Jesus being the source of the action to Him being acted upon by others.

There were not photographs so it was important that someone who knew Jesus point Him out among the disciples.

Jesus wants them to know that He knows their actions are unsupported and that the only reason He is allowing it is to fulfill God’s Word.

What Mark records here is really the second hearing–taking place at the current high priest’s house: Caiaphas.

The religious leaders had already rendered their judgment and were looking for facts to support it!

At this point Caiaphas was getting frustrated. He tried to trick Jesus into answering a false accusation.

They didn’t need any more witnesses because Jesus was either blaspheming or telling the truth.

This records Peter’s worst hour. He can’t escape who he is, though he tries desperately.

Mark focuses a lot of Peter here and the process of Peter’s denial:

making up
running away