Sermon Audio: The Hero Unveiled
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Mark 1:1-13
Duration: 23:36
Size: 10.8 MB
Jesus: The Ultimate Action Hero
The Hero Unveiled
Mark 1:1-13
How significant are our teen years? Can events that take place between 13 and 19 impact us for our entire lives?
Mark is what I would call the Reader’s Digest of the gospels. It is the shortest, and concentrates on Jesus’ actions rather than His words.
Many heroes have come on the human scene, but only One was anointed with the Spirit and as God’s only Son, given the job of actually saving humanity.
John is saying much more than just “make way” but that no longer will humanity be enslaved to sin and will receive comfort, for not just anyone is coming, but the “glory of the Lord” who appears in the form of Jesus.
Jesus was coming to usher in a new age and throw out the evil tyrants that had taken over and enslaved the people under laws they could never hope to obey.
Notice he says the heavens were “being torn open”. It represents God intervening in the affairs of men.
Jesus relied on the Spirit for direction (as we must) and this was a vital part in the Spirit’s plan.
He was also “attended” to by angels. This could mean tending to His physical needs but also to His spiritual, as they will do in the Garden of Gethsemane.