2024-10-06: Prayer That Works — Pray Persuasively

Sermon Audio: Pray Persuasively
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Exodus 32:9-14, Exodus 32:30-33
Duration: 31:35
Size: 18.4 MB

Prayer That Works
Pray Persuasively
Exodus 32:9-14, Exodus 32:30-33

If God has foreordained every detail of history, and if it all unfolds according to his plan and in accordance with his will, then what difference do our prayers make?

Can we, through our prayers, make God do something he wouldn’t otherwise do?

So, we’re going to use the Bible to interpret the Bible and dig deeper into what’s happening.

Isn’t that amazing? These people had seen God inflict ten plagues on the Egyptians so they (Israel) could be delivered from bondage.

Moses knew God wasn’t playing. And so, if he was going to plead for the people, he needed to pray persuasively.

If you want to pray persuasively, pray that God be glorified.

The third factor that made Moses’ prayer so persuasive is that he believed God’s promises were eternal.

Moses got on the same page with God.

You see, they were God’s people, but they were Moses’ responsibility. He took ownership for their standing with God.

Because in making that offer, Moses points to the one who will come centuries after Moses, Jesus Christ.