2021-08-22: The Life of David — David and Abigail (Part 2)

Sermon Audio: David and Abigail (Part 2)
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Samuel 25:32-44
Duration: 26:06
Size: 17.9 MB

The Life of David
David and Abigail (Part 2)
I Samuel 25:32-44

Feelings festered and other incidents occurred that finally resulted in the shooting death of Ellison Hatfield in 1882.

You may not think it out loud, but you really want to do something about what has been done to you.

I. David’s Response (I Samuel 25:32-35)
One moment he was filled with murderous rage; the next moment he was completely calm.

II. Nabal’s Death (I Samuel 25:36-38)
Abigail told him about how she had intercepted David and prevented David from killing Nabal and all the male members of his household.

We need to remind ourselves that the Lord will meet out retributive justice, always after we die but sometimes before we die.

III. David’s Vindication (I Samuel 25:39a)
When you are wronged, rebuffed, scorned, slighted, rejected, or even hurt, let the Lord therefore be judge and give sentence between you and the one who has wronged you.

IV. David’s Wives (I Samuel 25:39b-44)
Still, we should observe that David’s polygamy failed to uphold God’s design for marriage and would in the end lead to great harm to both David and his household.

This remarkable aspect of David’s conduct is strikingly similar to Jesus who did not come, in his first coming, “to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”

2021-08-15: The Life of David — David and Abigail (Part 1)

Sermon Audio: David and Abigail (Part 1)
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Samuel 25:1-31
Duration: 23:49
Size: 16.3 MB

The Life of David
David and Abigail (Part 1)
I Samuel 25:1-31

David became really upset because of Nabal’s actions, and he very nearly acted in a way that could have been disastrous for him. Thankfully, the Lord intervened in David’s life.

I. A Man Who Does Not Fear the Lord (I Samuel 25:1-13)
A. The Request (I Samuel 25:1-9)
Bible scholars say that it was customary at shearing time, which was also a feast, for wealthy landowners to share their wealth with others.

B. The Refusal (I Samuel 25:10-11)
His foolishness–like all true foolishness–concerns his relationship to the Lord. All sin is sheer foolishness, for it is the contradiction of God.

C. The Retaliation (I Samuel 25:12-13)
We are vulnerable at such moments, not only to the flushes of our own sinfulness but to the influences of demonic suggestion.

II. A Woman Who Does Fear the Lord (I Samuel 25:14-31)
A. The Apprisal (I Samuel 25:14-17)
Apparently, even Nabal’s own servants did not have a high view of him, calling him a “a wicked man.”

B. The Action (I Samuel 25:18-19)

C. The Anger (I Samuel 25:20-22)
He was about to do something that would ruin his future, for if he had killed Nabal and his household, David would have been no better than Saul.

D. The Appeal (I Samuel 25:23-31)
Therefore, Abigail asked for David’s forgiveness for this insult and made restitution by providing him with various foods.

But in his marvelous mercy, God’s restraining providence prevented David from doing something that would have damaged his credibility and caused him great regret.

2021-08-01: The Life of David — David Spares Saul’s Life

Sermon Audio: David Spares Saul’s Life
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Samuel 24:1-22
Duration: 25:51
Size: 17.7 MB

The Life of David
David Spares Saul’s Life
I Samuel 24:1-22

Though initially fearful of Saul, David’s trust in God grew, and in his sovereign, providential care of him.

God was calling David to turn the other cheek, even though Saul was insanely jealous of David and wanted to kill him.

I. A Test for God’s Servant (I Samuel 24:1-7)
In any event, David’s men saw Saul’s presence in the cave as a wonderful stroke of providence, which is why they urged him to go and take care of Saul.

The meaning of this incident, surely, is that God was testing David. In a sense it was the ultimate test of trust.

II. An Appeal to God’s Justice (I Samuel 24:8-15)
The recognition of that voice and the instant realization of how near he had come to eternity must have pierced Saul’s heart like an arrow.

He quickly realized–fortunately, before it was too late–that he could leave the timing of justice to God.

III. An Assurance of God’s Faithfulness (I Samuel 24:16-22)
Bad men will commonly go no farther than this in their confessions: they will own they are not so good as some others are; there are those that are better than they, and more righteous.

So, David was teaching his men that if they wanted David as their king, they would have to trust God, just as he did, to establish his kingdom in his time and in his way.

2021-07-25: The Life of David — Saul Pursued by David

Sermon Audio: Saul Pursued by David
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Samuel 23:15-29
Duration: 20:54
Size: 14.3 MB

The Life of David
Saul Pursued by David
I Samuel 23:15-29

Life is not a straight line leading from one blessing to the next and then finally to heaven.

I. God Provides Encouragement When Needed (I Samuel 23:15-18)
A. The Threat (I Samuel 23:15)
It is likely that David was discouraged because Saul had come out to seek his life.

B. The Friendship (I Samuel 23:16-18)
But Jonathan came to David and strengthened his hand in God.

II. God Provides Protection When Needed (I Samuel 23:19-29)
A. The Threat (I Samuel 23:19-24)
Undoubtedly, word of Saul’s slaughter of the entire town of Nob prompted the Ziphites to take preventive action.

B. The Escape (I Samuel 23:24-29)
If we were watching a movie of this scene, the music would be at a crescendo and we would be on the edge of our seats waiting for Saul and his men to capture David and his men.

God provides protection to you and me when we need it too.

God is exceedingly capable of protecting his people in a myriad of ways.

2021-07-18: The Life of David — David Saves the City

Sermon Audio: David Saves the City
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: I Samuel 23:1-14
Duration: 23:21
Size: 16.0 MB

The Life of David
David Saves the City
I Samuel 23:1-14

One sign of David’s trust in the Lord is seen in how he sought the Lord’s guidance in different circumstances.

You want to follow the Lord, and so you want to know God’s guidance in your life.

When David sought guidance from the Lord, the Lord directed him (through the ephod) to go to Keilah and also to get out of Keilah.

I. God Guided David Regarding an Attack (I Samuel 23:1-5)
A. The Report (I Samuel 23:1)
The people of Israel recognized that David was more likely to act as a king should act by defending the people against enemy aggressors.

B. The Requests (I Samuel 23:2-4)
Here is where we see the shepherd’s heart of David. He knew that his men were afraid; indeed, they had just told him that they were “afraid here in Judah.”

C. The Result (I Samuel 23:5)
He saved the people of Keilah, which was something that Saul should have done.

II. God Guided David Regarding an Escape (I Samuel 23:7-14)
A. The Report (I Samuel 23:7-8)
B. The Requests (I Samuel 23:9-12)
But, they were likely terrified of what Saul might do to them and their town, having heard that Saul had wiped out the entire town of Nob.

C. The Result (I Samuel 23:13-14)
To be sure, David had one narrow escape after another while on the run from Saul. But, God was sovereignly protecting him.

1. The Word of God (objective standard).
2. The Holy Spirit (subjective witness).
3. Circumstances (divine providence).

David showed us that we should seek God’s guidance in all circumstances.