2010-08-29: Life Underneath

Sermon: Life Underneath
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 31:46
Size: 14.5 MB

New Life In The Same Old Place
“Life Underneath”
1 Peter 2:13-17

I. Underneath the Neon

“Down here we do what we want, when we want, anytime we want. It’s hard to give that up.”

II. The Passage: “Living as Servants of God” (2:13-17)

I’d like break this passage up into four ideas all related to the main idea of submission or subjection, the term Peter uses here in verse 13.

A. Submission to Human Structures (2:13a)

Peter wants them to understand here that honorable conduct means subjection or submission “to every human institution“.

As we see here, he begins by talking about those who govern.

B. Submission to Earthly Rulers (2:13b-14)

The word translated “emperor” here is literally the word “king”.

The issue here is not how well they carry out that purpose, or the form of this governance.

They are zealous for driving the speed they want to drive.

C. Submission to God’s Will (2:15-16)

Peter gives us some clues here into what was going on with these churches.

What Peter wants to confront here is the way in which these Christians were responding to the slander, to charges of subversion and wrongdoing.

It appears that part of the issue was a misunderstanding of Christian freedom.

“By doing good”; this, should be your response to those who would accuse you and slander you. This is how we live as people who are truly free.

D. Submission to Our Duty (2:17)

Peter spells out the obligations for a follower of Jesus Christ in regard to their different relationships.

Do we pick and choose who we will honor and love and fear?

III. The Only Reason to Be Underneath

But let’s face it, the idea of submission is not one that we generally find appealing.

Knowing what we know about the human heart, how could we ever choose life underneath?

God has freed you from sin and death in order that you might serve Him.

Only as we trust in, and look to, and depend on Jesus Christ, will we be able to live as servants of God in the freedom of submission.

Next In Series
Two Weeks
“Enduring By Entrusting”
1 Peter 2:18-25

2010-08-22: Separate…But Shining

Sermon: Separate…But Shining
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 31:42
Size: 14.5 MB

New Life In The Same Old Place
“Separate…But Shining”
1 Peter 2:11-12

I. Separation & Indulgence

Though it is viewed differently in different Amish communities, there is in many places a period of time, called Rumspringa.

I mention it to you this morning because I found it an interesting lens through which to view the ideas of separation and indulgence.

II. Keep Your Conduct…Honorable (2:11-12)

We might think about that first section in terms of its focus on our identity in Christ, in light of our salvation in Christ.

But we need to dig deeper into these two verses so that we can strengthen our foundation for understanding what is coming up.

A. Sojourners & Exiles (2:11a)

And everything from this point on will be an explanation of how to live as exiles.

Notice that he is urging them to “abstain from the passions of the flesh” because they are “sojourners and aliens”.

You’ve become an exile without even leaving your house.

B. Passions Of The Flesh (2:11b)

Peter is saying, “If you really belong to God’s kingdom, then stay true to the values of your King.”

When we want what God wants, that is the will of God.

To indulge in such passions, to give in to our desires and not God’s, is not something we should ever minimize.

C. Among The Gentiles (2:12a)

But as we saw last week, Peter has identified his predominantly Gentile readers with the true Israel of God, the true people of God.

III. Radically Changed By An ‘Alien’ Power (2:12b)

Your abstinence in regard to world-satisfied desires, your “good deeds“, as Peter puts it here, will be used by God to change them.

But when Peter thinks about an ‘alien‘ power, he is thinking about the power of Jesus Christ, a power that is completely alien, completely foreign to this world system.

Do you believe that people around you can be radically changed when you are living a life of abstinence and honor because of Jesus?

Through Peter, God is calling us to be separate but shining; to be alien but appealing because of Jesus Christ.

But when the most recognizable marks of our separation are defined by things like clothing and electricity, we are missing what Peter is saying.

Only when we walk by faith with Jesus, because of His cross, can we die daily to what we want, and become people who live by that ‘alien‘ power that can change hearts.

Next Week
“Life Underneath”
1 Peter 2:13-17

2010-08-15: A Case of Corporate Honor

Sermon: A Case of Corporate Honor
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 31:50
Size: 14.5 MB

New Life In The Same Old Place
“A Case of Corporate Honor”
1 Peter 2:4-10

I. Surrounded by Corporate Dishonor

The fact is we are becoming less and sell surprised by instances of corporate dishonor.

It is a case of corporate honor that is unparalleled, not only in American history, but in the entire history of the universe..

II. A People of Spiritual Worship (2:4-5)

This coming of Christ is not a one time event. It is a habit. It is a continual practice.

But the word corporate, at its root, is related to the Latin word for “body“.

All of these images paint for us a picture of spiritual worship, don’t they?

III. A People of Foretold Honor (2:6-8)

What Peter has given us here is three Old Testament quotations all connected by the term “stone“.

If we believe that Jesus is the “cornerstone“, foretold by the Hebrews prophets, that His is the only foundation that really matters in this life, we read here that we “will not be put to shame”.

What’s clear is that Peter wants to encourage his readers by reminding them that God is in control, even in the midst of persecution.

IV. A People of Grateful Proclamation (2:9-10)

If their enemies wanted to make them people of shame, Peter wants to remind them that they are, in fact, a people of honor.

We live for His honor and the glory of God.

Because God is so merciful, because of the mercy we now know in Jesus Christ, we have become a people of God.

V. The People of God’s Eternal Purposes

There is something about this passage that takes all of these descriptions of our corporate identity and reveals how big and deep each description really is.

The majority of them are not Jewish, and yet Peter, who is Jewish, is speaking to them as if the were Israel.

So what Peter knows is that through Jesus Christ, through His death on the cross, the title “God’s people” has been broadened to include all those who came in faith, Jew and Gentile.

He wants their identity, he wants our identity, our corporate identity, to be grounded in the reality that we are THE people of God’s eternal purposes.

We worship God in spirit and truth, and then tell the world why they should worship him as well;

And is that identity shaped first and foremost by the reality that we are THE people of God’s eternal purposes.

Next Week
“Separate But Shining”
1 Peter 2:11-12

2010-08-08: Milk It Does A Spirit Good

Sermon: Milk It Does A Spirit Good
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 29:33
Size: 13.5 MB

New Life In The Same Old Place
“Milk It Does A Spirit Good”
1 Peter 2:1-3

They were coming to grips with the challenge of living new lives in the same old place they had always lived.

I. The Passage: “Like Newborn Infants” (2:1-3)

“Salvation” is a good Christian-ese word, but what does Peter mean when he uses the term?

Let’s take some time to look at each verse and see what God has for us this morning in regard to “grow[ing] up into salvation”.

II. Changing Our Diet (2:1)

The kinds of sins that Peter mentions in verse 1 are enemies of the love he is calling them to live by:


If we think of this in terms of growth, these sins, when allowed to get a foothold in our life, these sins hinder growth.

To “put away” these things is not about never experiencing similar feelings again.

III. What Kind of Milk? (2:2)

Peter uses an appropriate analogy here, that of a baby longing for its mother’s milk.

But again, what is this “pure milk” that we should long for if we desire to “grow up into salvation”?

IV. The Ultimate Taste Test (2:3)

He wants them to long for this milk because they have already tasted who God is.

Peter’s audience has absolutely tasted that Jesus is good. And because they have tasted, they should now long for what only Jesus can give.

Psalm 34:8

V. What Are You Longing For?

I hope it’s clear to you that the main instruction in these verses is expressed in that one verb: long…desire…crave.

What are you longing for this morning in this way? Peter knows that the only “pure milk” is that which nourishes us with Jesus.

Cookies might make me long for the kind of milk you put in a glass, but only the goodness of God in Jesus Christ can make us long for more of the same.

Let us put away the rotten milk of sin and self, and let us long for the pure milk of Christ…frequently, intensely, and singularly.

Isaiah 55:1-3

Next Week
“A Case of Corporate Honor”
1 Peter 2:4-10

2010-08-01: New Love In The Same Old Place

Sermon: New Love In The Same Old Place
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 25:33
Size: 11.6 MB

New Life In The Same Old Place
“New Love In The Same Old Place”
1 Peter 1:22-25

Rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory…I hope that describes your heart this morning.

I. Review: Obedience to the Truth (1:22a)

Because they have obeyed the truth and because they have purified their souls.

So the reality that this predominantly Gentile church is now living in, they have been born again, they have been bought out of slavery.

What he is about to tell them is based on the assumption that they are now “new” because they have believed the “news” about Jesus.

II. Sincerely, Earnestly, Purely (1:22b)

Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love…

Love for one another as God’s people is such a fundamental part of what it means to be a Christian.

As a church family, we need to stop, and consider how responsive we’ve been to Jesus’ new commandment to us.

Let your love be set apart, distinct because of the divine work that’s been done in you.

Richmond Community Church, is God honored by the love we have for one another?

III. The Fruit of the Gospel (1:23-25)

Peter can call his readers to a sincere, earnest, and pure love, because he knows that God himself has done a work in them to accomplish this very thing.

You see, the fruit of the gospel is always a changed life. But the cross of Jesus offers us forgiveness for all of our failures.

We have in the gospel, the perfect picture of God’s Son putting the interests of other before His own.


But I also know that God is calling us to go further up and farther in.

He’s also given us a new love in this same old place, a new love for one another, in obedience to a new commandment.

Next Week
“Pure Spiritual Milk”
1 Peter 2:1-3