2017-03-19: The Lions and Daniel

Daniel & The Lions' Den

Sermon Audio: The Lions and Daniel
Speaker: Pastor Frank Clore
Scripture Text: Daniel 6
Duration: 36:39
Size: 16.7 MB

The Lions and Daniel
Daniel 6

Daniel knew that if he gave up his practice of daily prayer, he would be joining the rest of the kingdom in their idolatry and he had too much integrity to do that.

For the Christian, “Integrity” means there is similarity between our character and our creed, between our beliefs and our behavior.

First, the events of this sixth chapter of Daniel helps us to understand that Christian integrity shows.

The second lesson Daniel’s life teaches us is that living a life of integrity does not shelter you from the unfairness of life.

The third lesson Daniel’s life teaches us is that people of Christian integrity are people who know the importance of prayer.

In all honesty, for many of us, our natural response of the “Lions of life” is to panic and roar in rage against life’s unfairness or complain or criticize or become paralyzed and slip into a defeated sense of depression.

Eternal life does not just refer to the length of your life. It also refers to the quality of your life.

Another lesson Daniel’s life teaches us is that his example proves that by living a life of integrity we can have an amazing impact on this world.

2016-09-04: I Have a Story: Moses and the Burning Bush

Sermon Audio: I Have a Story: Moses and the Burning Bush
Speaker: Pastor Frank Clore
Scripture Text: Exodus 3
Duration: 23:24
Size: 10.7 MB

I Have a Story: Moses and the Burning Bush
Exodus 3

2016-06-12: These Walls Shall Come Down

Sermon Audio: These Walls Shall Come Down
Speaker: Pastor Frank Clore
Scripture Text: Joshua 5:13-6:20
Duration: 28:15
Size: 12.9 MB

These Walls Shall Come Down
Joshua 5:13-6:20

Jericho was built about 8,000 B.C.E.

God was saying, “I am offering you a gift! But you have to accept it“.

This has application to us because the Promises of God give us everything we need for victory.

“…for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.”
1 Corinthians 10:4

The City of Jericho was an Achilles heel to the Israelites.

“As God’s fellow workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.”
2 Corinthians 6:1

What is your Jericho?

  • Children?
  • Finances?
  • Health?
  • Salvation of Loved Ones?
  • Other Problems?