Sermon Audio: A Memorial to God
Speaker: Pastor Joel Collier
Scripture Text: Isaiah 55
Duration: 44:16
Size: 20.2 MB
A Memorial to God
Isaiah 55
God, through Isaiah’s prophecy, calls out to all human beings in the language of the marketplace. This invitation is for everybody.
Only what God is offering can satisfy.
God gave us David as our example. Even though David’s sin was great, God blessed the world through one of his descendants because of his relationship with God.
Who is the nation that did not know Israel? Every other nation, the Gentiles, us.
Seek the Lord while you can! Repent and receive mercy and compassion!
God’s thoughts are better than our thoughts. What are God’s plans?
This invitation is not just for salvation. It is for our ongoing relationship with our loving Heavenly Father.
All people have challenges! What is God’s solution for your problems!
Everything God puts in motion fulfills His purposes!
Whatever is accomplished is both celebration and a memorial to God forever!