2010-05-02: Nothing to Prove — Nothing to Lose

Sermon: Nothing to Prove — Nothing to Lose
Speaker: Pastor Frank Clore
Scripture Text: I Samuel 17
Duration: 34:27
Size: 15.7 MB

David and Goliath
Nothing to Prove — Nothing to Lose
I Samuel 17

  1. God is not the author of fear.
  2. God has given us a spirt of power, love and self-discipline.
  3. We must ask, “How do we defeat the giants of our lives?”
  4. David lived a simple principle to defeat the giants of his life. He had nothing to prove and nothing to lose.
  5. Everything he was and everything that he had belonged completely to God.
  6. Saul’s soldiers ran away in fear.
  7. The more they delayed, the more intimidated they became.
  8. The more intimidated they became, the harder the problem became for them to handle.
  9. We get so caught up in the battle that we do not see beyond ourselves.
  10. God is bigger than our giants.

Three Strategies For Battling Your Giants

  1. Never assume that what worked for somebody else to defeat their giant will automatically work for you.
  2. Trust first in the Lord and not just in the weapons that you have been given.
  3. Celebrate your victories.

Quote To Remember

Mother Teresa said, “I’m not called to be successful. I’m simply called to be faithful.”

2010-04-18: LLYWD

Sermon: LLYWD
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 32:23
Size: 14.8 MB

Romans 13:11-12 “This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living.”

The truth is that we are all terminal.

Jesus not only came to give me eternal life in heaven, but He also came to give me abundant life here and now.

Ecclesiastes 8:8, John 10:10

1. Live with a sense of urgency.

Maybe the most dangerous word in the English language is the word someday.

Someday, I will __________.

Just as we must let God’s grace and mercy cover the past, we must let God’s care and providence cover our future.

Matthew 6:27-30, Psalm 118:24

2. Live with a sense of eternity.

As much as it is a mistake to take today for granted, it is an even bigger mistake to take eternity for granted.

You must personally receive the gift of salvation made possible by Jesus’ death on the cross.

Hebrews 9:27, II Corinthians 4:18

3. Live with a sense of priority.

When I live with a kind of a bi-focal vision, one eye on eternity and one eye on the gift of today, then I can really begin to prioritize my life and actions.

Take off… your frantic pace of life.

Put on… more time for relationships.

Living like you were dying is…
More about today, less about tomorrow
More about people, less about possessions
More about God’s priorities, less about my plans
More about the eternal, less about the temporal

Psalm 46:10