2010-06-06: It Just Happened

Sermon: It Just Happened
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 42:31
Size: 19.4 MB

Ruth: A Story of God’s Faithfulness
“It Just Happened”

Ruth Chapter 2

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)


As Christians is this what we believe life comes down to? An order of fate by an uncaring higher power who is struggling to gain control of the universe?

Proverbs 16:9

I.  God’s Providential Care Allows Us To Go On

Coincidence: Is a small miracle where God prefers to remain anonymous.

The challenge for us is to see that God is behind the scenes working for our best.

“The point is not that following Christ will exempt one from trouble or pain. What it does provide is the assurance of God’s … presence in the midst of the stormy tempests of life.”

2 Timothy 1:12
Romans 8:28
Genesis 28:15-16

II.  God’s Providential Care Allows Us To Care

Cynicism breeds carelessness. The cynics 2nd favorite line is, “I don’t care!” The first is “I don’t believe that!”

God’s providential care had been showered upon Boaz and now he was willing to allow God to use him to show care for another.

I believe Ruth loved God with a whole heart and that allowed her to return and care further for Naomi.

The very truth that He providentially cares for us should lead us deeper into a life of caring for one another.

III.  God’s Providential Care Allows Us To Humble Ourselves

Ruth knew that she would not be well received in this new land on account of her heritage but she was willing to risk a chance with God.

Keep in mind and heart that Ruth is modeling for us what we should be.

She is here in the scripture not for some nice story to tell, but her life is for our admonition.

James 4:10
1 Peter 5:6-7


He is working in…today’s events to provide for you. Don’t miss it!

“May I continue to find favor in your eyes, my lord,” she said. “You have given me comfort…” Ruth 2:13 (NIV)

Next Week
“Amazing Love”

Ruth Chapter 3

2010-05-30: The Velcro Effect

Sermon: The Velcro Effect
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 27:01
Size: 12.3 MB

Ruth: A Story of God’s Faithfulness
“The Velcro Effect”

Ruth Chapter 1


The Velcro Effect describes the relationship between God’s faithfulness to us and our need for Him.

I.  God’s Faithfulness

The days of the judges are known as the Dark Ages in Hebrew history.

Two phrases characterize the days of the judges.

  • Did not drive out.
  • In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.

Whatever you do isn’t fine… because your sin affects all of us.

II.  Times of Famine

Israel was experiencing a famine of food, caused by faithlessness to the covenant relationship with God.

But God would prove Himself faithful to sustain and provide.

III.  Times of Deliverance

Why is it that we often trust in ourselves to handle life’s trails, rather than rely upon God?

The wonderful thing about God’s faithfulness is that He is faithful even when we are not!

IV.  The Choices Made

Orpah chose to return to her people and her gods.

Ruth had a resolve about her.

But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16 (NIV)

What a great declaration of faith and faithfulness.

Will we resolve that no matter what, we are going with God?


God’s Word declaring His faithfulness to you.

Deuteronomy 7:9
1 Corinthians 1:9
1 Corinthians 10:13
2 Thessalonians 3:3
1 John 1:9

Be faithful this week and cling to the God of your salvation…

Next Week
“It Just Happened”

Ruth Chapter 2

2010-04-18: LLYWD

Sermon: LLYWD
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 32:23
Size: 14.8 MB

Romans 13:11-12 “This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living.”

The truth is that we are all terminal.

Jesus not only came to give me eternal life in heaven, but He also came to give me abundant life here and now.

Ecclesiastes 8:8, John 10:10

1. Live with a sense of urgency.

Maybe the most dangerous word in the English language is the word someday.

Someday, I will __________.

Just as we must let God’s grace and mercy cover the past, we must let God’s care and providence cover our future.

Matthew 6:27-30, Psalm 118:24

2. Live with a sense of eternity.

As much as it is a mistake to take today for granted, it is an even bigger mistake to take eternity for granted.

You must personally receive the gift of salvation made possible by Jesus’ death on the cross.

Hebrews 9:27, II Corinthians 4:18

3. Live with a sense of priority.

When I live with a kind of a bi-focal vision, one eye on eternity and one eye on the gift of today, then I can really begin to prioritize my life and actions.

Take off… your frantic pace of life.

Put on… more time for relationships.

Living like you were dying is…
More about today, less about tomorrow
More about people, less about possessions
More about God’s priorities, less about my plans
More about the eternal, less about the temporal

Psalm 46:10

2010-03-28: Lasting Returns — Faithfulness

Lordship Living — God Provides

Sermon: Lasting Returns — Faithfulness
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Duration: 27:17
Size: 12.4 MB

What Good Is a Coat of Many Colors
If It Has a Stain on It?

The Book of Genesis closes with the remarkable story of the Old Testament character Joseph and his family. The life of Joseph has some strong parallels to the life of Jesus Christ. Both were gifted, both lived holy lives, both suffered, and both were responsible for the salvation of lives (although in Joseph’s case, it was physical salvation, rather than spiritual).

Among the many attributes Joseph possessed was that of longevity—endurance. He was true to his God, whether things were going well or not so well.

Endurance is a characteristic God wants to cultivate in each one of us. Today, let’s examine the life of Joseph and see if we can’t learn some of his secrets for Lordship Living.

Today’s Focus: God rewards those who are faithful to Him.

Food for Thought: I will put my time, talent, treasure, and touch to work for the Kingdom.

Lasting Returns

  1. When we model unfaithfulness, others are affected by our actions.
  2. When we model faithfulness, we influence others to be faithful!

Faithfulness Is a Choice

  1. It’s not always easy to follow through on our choices.
  2. Faithfulness is a choice, and it’s one we have to stick with if we are to please God.

Through Our Faithfulness, We Gain Lasting Returns

  1. The natural inclination of every one of us is to cling to the things we have.
  2. God wants us to be generous—with Him and with others.

Waldo Weaning’s Three Levels of Giving

  1. You have to (Law)
  2. You ought to (Obligation)
  3. You want to (Grace)

God Gives Us Gifts and Talents for a Reason

  1. God has given you gifts for a reason, and that reason is to bless others.
  2. In God’s eyes, all gifts are equal because they equally serve the Body—His Church.

How much do you own in that direction?