2015-10-25: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – The Healing of a Man on the Sabbath

Sermon Audio: The Healing of a Man on the Sabbath
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 14:1-6
Duration: 23:08
Size: 10.5 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
The Healing of a Man on the Sabbath
Luke 14:1-6

Jesus encountered a problem because he did not heal on just six days of the week; he healed on all seven days of the week.

I. Jesus Accepted Every Invitation of Hospitality

Nevertheless, Jesus went to dine at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees on that particular Sabbath day.

He wanted to develop a relationship so that he could communicate the gospel with them.

II. Jesus Was Watched By His Enemies

A few, such as Herod and the scribes and Pharisees, wanted to get rid of him.

They want to see whether your conduct matches your profession of faith. And if they see an inconsistency, they will call you on it.

III. Jesus Asserted the Lawfulness of Doing Works of Mercy on the Sabbath

Jesus, as he always did, posed an excellent question.

So, Jesus asserted the lawfulness of doing works of mercy on the Sabbath.

But how should Christians keep the Lord’s Day holy?

First, Christians should worship on the Lord’s Day.

Second, Christians should rest on the Lord’s Day.

Third, Christians should do works of mercy on the Lord’s Day.

2015-10-18: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – Forsaking Fear

Sermon Audio: Forsaking Fear
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 13:31-35
Duration: 19:48
Size: 9.06 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
Forsaking Fear
Luke 13:31-35

Jesus demonstrated Four Crucial Truths Concerning Giving In To Fear.

  1. Fear Will Be Victorious If We Allow Ourselves To Be Frightened Into Silence.
  2. Fear Will Be Diminished If We Realize That Our Lives Are In God’s Hands.
  3. Fear Will Be Banished If We Learn To Live Life From the Vantage Point Of Certain Victory.
  4. The Most Fearful Thing of All Is to Make a Decision To Leave Jesus Out Of Our Lives.

This chapter ends with a heartbreaking expression of grief. Jesus must accept, though with sadness, the fact that there are those who will not accept Him.

2015-10-11: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – The Narrow Door

Sermon Audio: The Narrow Door
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 13:22-30
Duration: 19:14
Size: 8.80 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
The Narrow Door
Luke 13:22-30

This message is for those of you who have read and sung and listened to people talk about Jesus for years without meeting him personally.

But then Jesus came along and taught over and over that God the Father offered salvation by grace through faith in him as the promised Savior.

1. No One Gets To Heaven Accidentally

If heaven is a free gift, then what are you striving for?

2. The Road to Heaven Is Narrow

The narrow door as I understand it in this text is Jesus Christ, who is the only means of eternal salvation, the only way of entering the kingdom of God.

Many people think they are going to heaven but they have not admitted that they are sinners, they have not turned in repentance and trusted in Jesus alone for salvation.

Some will miss out because they have a false view of the nature of God.

3. Not Everyone Is Going to Heaven

There is coming a day when the wonderful invitation of salvation will be over.

4. Missing Heaven Will Be An Eternal Torment

Contrary to the popular belief there will be no sinful party in hell with all your other rowdy friends.

God saves people who have entered into a personal relationship with him through faith and repentance.

2015-10-04: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – Do You Have a Mustard Seed or Yeast?

Sermon Audio: Do You Have a Mustard Seed or Yeast?
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 13:18-21
Duration: 24:37
Size: 11.2 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
Do You Have a Mustard Seed or Yeast?
Luke 13:18-21

We remember the big achievements, but give very little consideration to the small things that are done.

The ways we could express this type of rebuke are endless, but the meaning is the same – What you are doing for God is not acceptable.

The first picture he presents is that of a mustard seed which is planted and grows into a tree.

Success in God’s hand does not depend on the initial starting size but on whether it is done for God.

The second picture that Jesus gives to his audience in the picture of yeast.

Your actions, though they be small and insignificant or not valued by others, if they are done for God and his kingdom, can have an impact that is wide spread.

God doesn’t care about the size of the offering you make, but he does care that you are seeking to make a difference in other’s lives.

Whatever you do whether big or small, do it in his name and for his glory and allow God to bring something great from it.

2015-09-27: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – Feeling the Weight of the World

Sermon Audio: Feeling the Weight of the World
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 13:10-17
Duration: 20:30
Size: 9.38 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
Feeling the Weight of the World
Luke 13:10-17

Our Scripture Passage for this morning is a story of restoration and health, in the face of a system that seems bound and determined to keep oppressed people where they are.

Have you ever felt so low about yourself that all you could muster-up the strength to do was to look at your feet on the ground?

It’s interesting. Jesus always notices those on the margins. Jesus always notices the castaways.

When she could finally straighten up her back, what she saw must have been clear: the religious institution was bent over and suffering under the weight of its own laws.

So Jesus says to the religious folk, who are angry at Jesus for breaking the Sabbath Law, that love and taking care of other people trumps the Law every time.

But the religious leaders’ insistence on rigid laws and following them to a tee—no matter who they hurt along the way—keeps them from being healed.

They look wise with this self-made religion and their self-denial by the harsh treatment of the body, but they are no help

As is so often the case, when we legalistically insist on the letter of the Law, the needs of others are overlooked. By holding to standard operating procedures, the “royal law of love” gets pinned to the mat.