2014-02-23: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – The Blessedness of God

Sermon Audio: The Blessedness of God
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 1:67-80
Duration: 20:21
Size: 9.31 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
The Blessedness of God
Luke 1:67-80

God is worthy of our praise.

Because He visited us.

Philippians 2:7-8

The incarnation of Jesus Christ is an event that ought to solicit great praise from the hearts of men and women who love the Lord.

Because He redeemed us.

Galatians 3:13
Job 19:25

We spend our lives in pursuit of every lover that comes along, but in His infinite love God purchased us for Himself.

Because He raised up a Horn of Salvation for us.

There was no part of purchasing our salvation that was beyond His ability to bring to pass.

Because He keeps His promises.

God has been faithful in the past; He is faithful today and I know He’ll still be faithful tomorrow!

Part of the way we praise Him is through holy, righteous, courageous and lifelong service to Him.

We have the privilege of preaching and proclaiming the gospel of Christ so people might be prepared for His second coming.

You want people to listen to what you have to say? Then treat them with grace and mercy.

2014-02-02: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – When God Turns Your Life Upside Down

Sermon Audio: When God Turns Your Life Upside Down
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 1:46-56
Duration: 21:22
Size: 9.78 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
When God Turns Your Life Upside Down
Luke 1:46-56

God picks people, regular, ordinary people like you and me, and he asks us to do great things.

What God did to Mary is similar to what God sometimes does to us.

First of all, that Mary responds to God with humble faith.

Mary responded to all of this not just with humble faith, but also with humble obedience.

And finally as she thought about this, Mary also responded with joy.

Instead of condemning you for your sins, God sends his Son, who takes your sins away.

When God does that to you, remember that he will also give you faith, and courage, and joy, as you carry out God’s plan in your life.

2014-01-26: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – A Baby On The Way

Sermon Audio: A Baby On The Way
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 1:39-45
Duration: 17:18
Size: 7.91 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
A Baby On The Way
Luke 1:39-45

What does the word “blessing” mean? What does “to be blessed” mean?

Goodness and blessing can be associated with all three of these people.

I. Blessed is the Woman carrying the Child

I think Elizabeth is telling Mary that God has bestowed upon her a wonderful gift.

II. Blessed is the Child

This baby is not an ordinary baby, but is the Son of God.

III. Blessed is She who believes what the Lord said

Both of these women have received from God something that is impossible.


  1. We should have no fear about this life because Our God is in control.
  2. We should have hope in the future because of what Jesus has done and has prepared for us.
  3. We should have peace in this life because we know God keeps His promises.

2014-01-19: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – First Mary, Now Us

Sermon Audio: First Mary, Now Us
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 1:26-38
Duration: 20:47
Size: 9.52 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
First Mary, Now Us
Luke 1:26-38

This morning, I want you to try and remember what it was like to be fifteen.

Scholars tell us that Mary was between 13 and 16, to be more exact most think she was about 15 when the angel Gabriel gave her this message.

She had every reason to be terrified by this news. Who on earth was going to believe such ridiculous story?

A mind that holds reason as ultimate and unbending will never Experience the miracle of Christ’s birth.

It comes down to a question of faith, a question of faith first answered by a scared fifteen year old girl.

If God were to tell you that the eternity of others hung in the balance of your willingness to carry Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and share him with others, how would you answer?

But the question is still the same; are you willing to share Jesus with the world?

Who was willing to take that risk for you?

It is up to you now to share with others the Good News.

I think that most folks are afraid that they will do or say something wrong and therefore don’t even try.

Do you care enough about the people around you to respond?