2023-03-26: The Final Week — What Do You Do With a Dead Jesus?

Sermon Audio: What Do You Do With a Dead Jesus?
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 19:31-42
Duration: 24:17
Size: 16.6 MB

The Final Week
What Do You Do With a Dead Jesus?
John 19:31-42

The Jewish leaders had no concerns that He would ever rise from the dead because they didn’t believe anyone would come back from the dead.

They deliberately set out to destroy any belief that Jesus would ever rise from the dead.

If they truly believed Jesus would rise from the dead in 3 days that would have been huge waste of money.

You see, the resurrection from the dead is the core of our faith.

What causes cardiac tamponade is that some people can literally undergo so much stress in their lives that fluid builds up around the heart restricting the heart.

What intrigues me the most about this story is that there is only ONE Gospel that records the Roman soldier piercing Jesus’ side–the Gospel of John.

But we serve a risen savior…in fact there’s an old hymn that says, “I SERVE A RISEN SAVIOUR, He’s in the world today.”

2023-03-19: The Final Week — The Day They Cancelled Jesus

Sermon Audio: The Day They Cancelled Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 19:23-30
Duration: 22:57
Size: 15.7 MB

The Final Week
The Day They Cancelled Jesus
John 19:23-30

It was the cancel culture that put Him on the cross. A cancel culture that hated Jesus so much that it killed Him!

Despite what you may have seen in various paintings and movies Jesus was totally naked on the cross.

When Jesus died on the cross, he experienced all the shame and embarrassment that they had come to know, because He had died for them!

In His entire ministry Jesus never once referred to Mary as His “mother.”

You see, Jesus went to the cross to experience pain, and thirst, on our behalf.

And when Jesus did that for us, it was finished. The price for our sins was paid in full.

In other words (once you’re forgiven) God doesn’t know you by your sins, He knows you by your name.

2023-03-12: The Final Week — Behold the Man

Sermon Audio: Behold the Man
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 19:1-22
Duration: 20:51
Size: 14.3 MB

The Final Week
Behold the Man
John 19:1-22

The soldiers, the Jews and the chief priests none of them recognized who Jesus was!

I personally believe that the words that Pilate spoke that day were the words that God spoke…through Pilate.

Jesus…was that man! He’d come to fulfill even that prophecy from Zechariah: “HERE IS THE MAN.”

I’d rather be miserable all my life than to turn to Jesus for help.

Peter began to preach to them explaining from Old Testament prophecies that Jesus was their Messiah–the KING they had waited so long for.

It was my sin that held Him there until it was accomplished; His dying breath has brought me life–I know that it is finished.

You see, Jesus wasn’t nailed to the Cross by our sins! He volunteered to be nailed there…for our sins.

2023-03-05: The Final Week — The Significant Man

Sermon Audio: The Significant Man
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 18:28-40
Duration: 15:15
Size: 10.4 MB

The Final Week
The Significant Man
John 18:28-40

Pontius Pilate? Why on earth would I believe that he was one of the most significant men who ever lived?

Now, by the time Jesus stood before Pilate, Pilate could ill afford another revolt and (knowing this) the Jewish leaders demanded that he put Jesus to death.

Despite what the Jews believed and despite what some Christians even today have believed, Jesus did not come to set up an earthly Kingdom.

A lot of people believe that–if you want to get ahead–in politics or business or even in relationships, you have to sacrifice truth once in a while.

All of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We are all sinners who need of forgiveness.

We praise Jesus…and Him crucified.

What will you do with Jesus?

2023-02-26: The Final Week — Who Are You Looking For?

Sermon Audio: Who Are You Looking For?
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 18:1-14
Duration: 10:00
Size: 13.0 MB

The Final Week
Who Are You Looking For?
John 18:1-14

You know, Jesus loved to ask questions. As I was doing some web surfing, I discovered that Jesus asked over 300 questions in the four gospels.

In fact, Judas was at the Last Supper… and Jesus even washed Judas’ feet.

Jesus came to save the worst of sinners, whether Judas, Paul… or me.

One problem too many people have is that they are afraid that they don’t know enough to witness to others.

There’s a common agreement amongst a lot of scholars that when you read a person’s name in the Gospels it’s probably because he/she had become a Christian.

The way for us to touch people for Jesus is to share how Jesus touched us.