2024-06-02: God’s Holy Spirit — The Holy Spirit in the Life of a Christian

Sermon Audio: The Holy Spirit in the Life of a Christian
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Romans 8:5-10
Duration: 27:40
Size: 16.4 MB

God’s Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit in the Life of a Christian
Romans 8:5-10

American independence has taught us to “do it yourself” and then if you encounter problems ask for help. But that is not God’s plan nor preference.

These “come-outers” held no formal church membership, had no governing church officials, and recognized no ministerial credentials.

The Bible does teach us that the Holy Spirit is active in a believer’s life.

We are sanctified by the Holy Spirit…that is we are set apart from our old life of sin to serve God and live a life of holiness.

In Christ, there is a new beginning–and that new beginning is aided by the power and presence of God’s Holy Spirit.

God’s Word and God’s Spirit work in tandem guide us toward sanctification to move us to holiness of character that readies us for life to come.

So, we must ask ourselves, am I growing in Christ and what are the indicators of my growth?

There is a stark difference between ’emotionalism’ and emotions that stem from a true heart of worship.

2024-05-26: Waiting, Receiving, Being

Sermon Audio: Waiting, Receiving, Being
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Acts 2:1-13
Duration: 30:47
Size: 17.2 MB

Waiting, Receiving, Being
Acts 2:1-13

Ten days after Christ had left, they found themselves in a room in Jerusalem doing just what Christ had commanded them to do, they were waiting.

When most of us think of Pentecost we think of Christianity, but as is the case with most of Christianity the true beginnings of Pentecost are rooted in Judaism.

But right there in that one little phrase is the secret to a church that is going to succeed and that is they were moving in one direction.

They were promised power, and that power is what they were waiting for.

Now I don’t know what was going on in that room before the wind and fire arrived, but I would suspect that God had their undivided attention after the fact.

You see what happens is that too many of us are guilty of putting God in a theological box; we say this is our position so get in there.

The miracle here was not the language that they spoke in but that they had the courage to speak in any language

2024-06-12: A Mother’s Love

Sermon Audio: A Mother’s Love
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Matthew 20:20-23
Duration: 19:19
Size: 11.1 MB

A Mother’s Love
Matthew 20:20-23

And mothers are a link to God, a child’s first impression of God’s love.

Mrs. Zebedee was aware of the teachings of Jesus about His kingdom.

But since today is Mother’s Day, maybe we ought to think for a few moments about some positive things concerning Mrs. Zebedee.

Being a parent is not easy. Sometimes you’re filled with joy and sometimes with sadness. Sometimes your children make you so proud you want to pop your buttons. At other times you can’t find enough handkerchiefs to dry your tears.

It begins at home with parents setting the example and praying that their sons and daughters might be involved in the work of the kingdom?

I suppose that is why today is special? because we recognize that mother’s love is probably the closest example we have to God’s love.

2024-05-05: Surrender — Surrender Your Thoughts

Sermon Audio: Surrender Your Thoughts
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Philippians 4:4-9
Duration: 26:06
Size: 15.2 MB

Surrender Your Thoughts
Philippians 4:4-9

But when that is our philosophy, it means that we really haven’t embraced Jesus as Lord, we’re simply using him as a fire escape from Hell.

We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. That is an interesting concept. Taking our thoughts captive, so they will be obedient to Christ.

What Jesus was warning us about in the Sermon on the Mount wasn’t the actions but the beginning of the actions. The thought or thoughts behind the action.

Willie Nelson said,
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

You see the warning isn’t simply that negative thoughts will make us negative, the warning is that letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.

So, Paul goes on to say, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

So, to say, in order to control your thought life, you just need to stop thinking about the things we shouldn’t be thinking about. That’s simple but it’s not easy.

It starts with you, and it depends on God, but ultimately God does His part and expects us to do our part.

Are you willing to make that decision? The decision to surrender your thoughts to God? The decision to focus on the things of God?