2015-05-10: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – Duty vs. Devotion

Sermon Audio: Duty vs. Devotion
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 10:28-32
Duration: 23:13
Size: 10.6 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
Duty vs. Devotion
Luke 10:28-32

I believe that we many times have wrongly contrasted Martha and Mary, as though each Christian should make a choice to either be a worker like Martha or a worshiper like Mary.

1. Loss Of Focus Caused Martha To Resort To Self-Pity.

Martha’s problem was one of balance, between the going and doing and the sitting and listening.

2. Loss Of Focus Causes Martha To Become Angry At Others.

And the more the pressure, the most tempting it is to focus on the urgent rather than the essential.

It is even worse when we can think of someone who we do not feel is pulling their weight and who has let us down.

3. Loss Of Focus Causes Martha To Find Fault With Others.

We all have ways that we use to get a message across.

4. Loss Of Focus Causes Martha To Question God’s Care.

Martha was angry at Mary for being so selfish and she is angry at Jesus for allowing this to go on.

Whenever our service causes us to criticize others and pity ourselves because we feel overworked, we had better take time to examine our lives!

It all boiled down to the fact that Martha wanted to force Mary to serve Christ her way.

5. Loss of Focus Can Be Eliminated by Remembering Why We Are Doing What We Are Doing?

It was Martha’s attitude that needed correction, but Martha’s work was both good and necessary.

The Christian life is learning to balance duty and devotion.
Sitting without serving is powerless.
Serving without sitting is directionless.
Serving after sitting produces power and balance.

2015-05-03: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – The Story of the Good Samaritan

Sermon Audio: The Story of the Good Samaritan
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 10:25-37
Duration: 25:29
Size: 11.6 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
The Story of the Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37

The question asked of Jesus by this lawyer is: “What do I have to do to have eternal life?”

Jesus wants the lawyer to see that law cannot save anyone because no one can keep the law perfectly.

Jesus defines neighbor with a story but notice that Jesus did not call this story a parable, so it could be the report of an actual occurrence not unlike a first century “Kitty Genovese Story.”

1. Compassion Is Based On Need Not Worth.

The priest has been excused by some down through the years, by saying that he didn’t want to touch the man because he might have been dead, and this would have made the priest ceremonially unclean and he would have been unable to carry out his duties.

Both of these men, saw the man but ignored the need.

2. Compassion Feels Something.

The Samaritan saw the same pitiful man lying in agony beside the road and his heart churned within him so that he could not pass by without helping.

3. Compassion Does Something.

You must move toward people to express compassion, in order to build relationships.

In every one of his acts he demonstrated compassion as he responded in a practical, timely and unselfish way.

4. Compassion Cost Something.

There is nothing more the Samaritan could have done to show his compassion for this man.

5. Compassion Demonstrates Our Relationship to God.

The second question that the lawyer had asked was, “Who is my neighbor?” the question had been turned on him and is now, “What kind of neighbor am I?”

2015-04-12: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – Bringing Joy To The Lord’s Heart

Sermon Audio: Bringing Joy To The Lord’s Heart
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 10:1-24
Duration: 22:32
Size: 10.3 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
Bringing Joy To The Lord’s Heart
Luke 10:1-24

1. There Is A Call That Needs Answering

But we do know that when Jesus called they were ready to go.

It is the notion that there is just too much work to do in God’s mission field, and I am only one person what difference can I make.

It is impossible to earnestly pray for the Lord to send laborers into the harvest and not make ourselves available to be a part of the answer.

2. There Is A Consequence That Needs to Be Considered

What is at stake is the eternal destiny of every person who hears the gospel.

People sometimes reject Jesus because of Christians, may that never be true of us.

3. There Is A Joy That Needs To Be Tempered

There is a joy that needs to be tempered by remembering that spiritual highs and emotional victories will come and go but…

4. There Is A Grace That Needs To Be Remembered

The disciples need to remember that while it is true that they’ll be with the Lord forever, it is not because of anything they have contributed but because of His grace.

5. There Is A Privilege that Needs to be Contemplated

He rejoiced because the understanding of that truth did not depend on natural abilities or education.

What is God like? Exactly as Jesus has revealed him.

  • The world is perishing with Christ.
  • Jesus is coming soon.
  • There is a great territory to be covered, a great harvest to reap.
  • The need for reaching many as quickly as possible with the gospel is urgent.
  • Jesus is Still Sending Are You Going?

2015-03-29: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – Palm Sunday: Seen With Fresh Eyes

Sermon Audio: Palm Sunday – Seen With Fresh Eyes
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: John 12:12-19
Duration: 21:26
Size: 9.81 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
Palm Sunday – Seen With Fresh Eyes
John 12:12-19

The challenge every year is to read these accounts with fresh eyes.

We See a Strong Declaration of Love

Jesus was not looking for public demonstrations on his behalf. He was not seeking the spotlight…until today.

This procession was not frivolous, it was purposeful. It was not provoked by vanity but by compassion and love.

It is likely that at the very time Jesus was dying on the cross, the lambs were being slaughtered for the Passover feast. He was the Lamb of God taking on the sins of the world.

Are you hiding from the very One who wants to love you more than you have ever been loved before?

How easy it is for us to talk about the love of God. How difficult it is for us to accept it.

We also See a Strong Reason for Hope

The Old Testament is filled with prophecies about the coming king, the Messiah.

The fact that you don’t understand what is going on in your life, does not mean that God is not at work.

Jesus loves you. He faced the mobs for you. He endured torture for you. He went to the cross for you. He went there so you could be free; free from sin’s addiction, free from the treadmill of futility, free to live.

2015-03-22: Luke-The Investigative Gospel – Planning The Trip

Sermon Audio: Planning The Trip
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Luke 9:51-62
Duration: 21:10
Size: 9.69 MB

Luke-The Investigative Gospel
Planning The Trip
Luke 9:51-62

Well this morning Luke tells us about another group of individuals who were about to go on a trip to Israel.

Everything that Luke tells us in these next ten chapters must be looked at through the lens of a great countdown.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Besides, they better get use to rejection because that’s just what’s going to happen once they arrive in Jerusalem.

What Jesus says to all three of them is that in order to follow him, they needed to be fully committed.

We are all called to discipleship and today I would challenge you to think about your own personal call to discipleship.

The original disciples sole qualification was their willingness to rise to their feet when Jesus said, “Follow me.”