2019-04-07: The Minor Prophets — Malachi: God Speaks We Listen

Sermon Audio: Malachi: God Speaks We Listen
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Malachi 1-4
Duration: 20:38
Size: 10.1 MB

The Minor Prophets
Malachi: God Speaks We Listen
Malachi 1-4

The interesting part about this book is that each time God speaks, the people responded with a rebuttal–a question of defense or denial.

They have turned cold towards God and the things of God. God has lost His place in their heart and lives.

God is actively engaging with His people in a personal and loving way. He is communicating, but are His people listening.

It is not so much a matter of IF God is speaking, but rather, whether we are listening.

It is those little sounds, soft and inward, quite imperceptible sometimes, that distracts us from distinguishing God’s Word.

Guard those short spans of time you have when you are alone and not doing anything, like commuting from home to work.

2019-03-31: The Minor Prophets — Zechariah: Empowered By His Spirit

Sermon Audio: Zechariah: Empowered By His Spirit
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Zechariah 1-14
Duration: 21:58
Size: 10.1 MB

The Minor Prophets
Zechariah: Empowered By His Spirit
Zechariah 1-14

Zechariah encourages the nation to respond to her privileged, covenantal relationship with God by rebuilding the Temple and returning to the worship of God in the light of a glorious future when their Messiah comes and establishes His Kingdom.

If it is God’s will and God’s work, then only through the power of His Spirit can it be done.

God’s work is done through our human efforts but not by our efforts.

The lamp-stand in the Scriptures generally depicts the church, believers in Christ.

The Lord says, any challenges you face, any obstacles to My plan, as great as a “mighty mountain” (4:7), will be removed.

Focus on His promise and not the problem. Choose to look to God. He will always be there

You cannot be too small for God to use; you can be too big for Him to use.

God removes the obstacles and turns our small gifts into wonderful things that can be used to please Him and glorify His Name.

2019-03-24: The Minor Prophets — Haggai: Establishing Priorities

Sermon Audio: Haggai: Establishing Priorities
Speaker: Pastor Val Watkins
Scripture Text: Haggai 1-2
Duration: 23:31
Size: 11.1 MB

The Minor Prophets
Haggai: Establishing Priorities
Haggai 1-2

Haggai spoke to the Israelites that had returned after 70 years of captivity.

Nothing was done to rebuild the house of God and the people have become apathetic and complacent.

Without the Temple of God, there won’t be the worship of God. And without the worship of God, the people are left without a spiritual compass.

There is something here for us to think about: We always seem to find the time for the things we really care about.

At its core, the real issue is not about time; it is an issue of priorities.

If we try to go for these without God, we can never be fulfilled.

Seek the Blesser and you’ll have the blessings. Seek the blessings (things of this world) and you may miss the Blesser.

Don’t be too concerned about the looks, the number of people, or the size of the church. Be concerned rather with the Glory of God.

We live for the audience of One. In everything we do, we glorify our heavenly Father!